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Both options have their advocates. At the same time the body mechanics of football players will
be different to those you see in top class sprinters.Having said that, a speed training
program for football players will have a large degree of overlap with that of Olympic
athletes but with a limited requirement for the type of speed endurance work performed by
sprinters during the summer track season. A sample lower/upper body split would be as follows:Sample
Strength Training SplitMondaySquats 4 x 4-6Romanian Deadlifts 4 x 4-6Step Ups 2 x 8Pullthroughs 2
x 8Ab Rollouts 2 x 8TuesdayIncline Bench Press 4 x 4Hang Cleans 3 x 3Shoulder
Press 2 x 6Pullups 2 x 6Tricep Extensions 2 x 8Barbell Curls 2 x 8ThursdayPower
Cleans 5 x 3Snatch Grip Deadlifts 3 x 5One Legged Squats 2 x 6Glute Ham
Raise 2 x 8Hanging Leg Raises 2 x 10FridayClose Grip Bench Press 3 x 5Pullups
3 x 5Incline Dumbell Press 2 x 8Seated Row Machine 2 x 8Tricep Extensions 2
x 12Dumbell Curls 2 x 12Speed TrainingSpeed training for football players needs to consider the
fact that football sprints are usually of much shorter duration than sprinting in track and
field events. on Tue) would mean the legs still being fatigued from the day before
and then having less rest before the next weight session for legs. Although these are
beyond the scope of this article, each element should be implemented carefully. Furthermore, split training
will mean the central nervous system is always under stress from constantly performing high intensity
activity leading to impaired recovery and ability to perform other drills outside the gym with
the required intensity.This leaves two options. By only training legs on those two days, a
greater volume of work can be performed on training days compared to a typical whole
body approach consisting of hitting the weights on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday basis, where because
of the increased frequency and need to train upper body as well, leg training volume
would need to be reduced.Depending on the athlete's needs an upper/lower split is usually more
useful for increasing strength and muscle size as many will struggle to maintain the intensity
needed for a long, whole body training workout. The first is to adopt a lower/upper
body split and the second is to adopt a full body training program. Given the
wide range of requirements for the different positions in football, this article will focus on
training planning for a typical week for Linebackers, Backs and Strong Safeties, although the advice
is applicable to most positions except Kickers and Offensive/Defensive Linemen. This is the day when
the football player will work his maximum speed but we keep acceleration work in, albeit
at a reduced volume, as acceleration is a very important factor for football as well
as helping to warmup the body for the top speed work. The main factor behind
placing sprints on the same day as weight training the legs is to allow for
greater CNS tn and muscular recovery. By contrast, combining weight training with leg work on the
same day is something sprint coaches usually recommend.TuesdayWarmup - 5 min general warmupMobility Exercises -
10 minRunning Drills - 10 minTempo Work 8-10 x 100m @60-70% speedTempo training is running
the distance at a sub-maximal speed and walking the next 100m. Then, he can perform
a greater or lesser amount of speed or strength work as deemed appropriate by him
and his coaching staff. On the other hand, a weak, fast athlete may wish to
perform a limited amount of speed work and increase his weight training volume so that
he can bring up his strength levels quicker.Other FactorsMany other factors beyond how the athlete
structures his training are important including mobility drills, nutritional support, supplementation, recovery and regeneration techniques,
and technical work. It is very important both for active recovery (recovering from the previous
day's exertions), learning to run in a relaxed manner (many athletes strain too much when
sprinting maximally), and for overall conditioning and fat loss (the intervals being approximately similar when
running/walking, as the work/rest time in football and in fat loss protocols such as Tabata).WednesdayWith
another high intensity day scheduled for Thursday, Wednesday is a time to rest and recuperate.
Unfortunately, while this may work under certain circumstances for bodybuilders, football players cannot afford to
adopt this method. For a strong athlete with limited speed this would mean reducing the
volume of his weight work on his training days and training speed first in the
training day, when the CNS and muscular system is freshest. A favored approach of many
programs is to gradually increase training volume and intensity before incorporating a week of reduced
volume and intensity to allow for supercompensation and CNS recovery to take place. There is
a greater emphasis on top speed work this time with an increase in the distance
up to 60m. Each element will be considered individually. Some mobility and drill work is
okay for those who need it though.ThursdayWarm-up - 5 min general warm-upMobility Exercises - 10
minRunning Drills - 10 minStart Work - 6 x 10m (Practice a 3 point or
2 point stance and perform a maximal 10m sprint)Acceleration - 3 x 20mAcceleration - 3
x 30mTop Speed - 3 x 50mThursday's sprint training session is partnered with a relatively
low load, explosive lifting weight training day. With a constant stop start style to the
play, with the average play lasting no longer than ten seconds, followed by a much
longer rest period, its demands are closer to traditional sprinting and weight training methods, than
sports such as Rugby or Boxing, where there is a much greater endurance element required.
This type of training leads to the most simple, easy to administer programs being handed
out to athletes, rather than the most effective. Rest times can be up to 10min
long for the top speed sprints. Unfortunately, most college programs suffer from being overly simplistic
due to the need tn requin to try to train 40 or 50 athletes at once in
a facility. This will mean for most of the time players will have insufficient energy
to perform their other drills, sprint work etc due to excess muscular fatigue. Strength and
speed training should still be periodized as normal. Instead a football program should primarily emphasise
acceleration techniques with a smaller component of top speed work so that for the rare
occasions that a full sprint is required, the player is able to maintain his top
speed for longer.Although there are many differing views on how to train speed, the approach
used by Charlie Francis[i] is one which works well for integrating the other aspects of
football training.Speed Training Template for Off-SeasonMondayWarmup - 5 min general warmupMobility Exercises - 10 minRunning
Drills - 10 minStart Work - 6 x 10m (Practise a 3 point or 2
point stance and perform a maximal 10m sprint)Acceleration Work - 6 x 20m (2 or
3 point stance and accelerate through to 20m)Acceleration Work - 2 x 30m (Run from
standing start to 30m)Rest times between sprints should be 2-3 mins for 10m work, 3-5
min for 20m work, and 4-6 min for 30m work to ensure full recovery is
attained.The astute reader will notice the sprints are combined on a day where the weights
pushed will be heavy. At the same time, the sport has a big element of
lateral mobility and technical considerations to consider, absent from pure speed or strength sports.This article
will look at ways to incorporate speed and strength training methods to assist a player
looking to improve his speed/strength during the football off-season. Similarly, athletes who believe bodybuilding programs
can enhance sports performance may potentially gain some muscle size but at the expense often
of relative strength and speed going down, as well as a decrease in joint mobility
if emphasising single joint exercises. This does not mean that players should automatically follow the
training advice handed out in bodybuilding magazines, or follow a generic college training program. The
work conducted has to be of a high quality with full muscular and CNS recovery
between sprints the aim of the athlete.FridayTempo Work - 8-10 x 100mThis day is a
repeat of TuesdaySaturdayWarm-up - 5 min general warm-upMobility Exercises - 10 minRunning Drills - 10
minStart Work - 4 x 10m (Practice a 3 point or 2 point stance and
perform a maximal 10m sprint)Acceleration - 3 x 20mAcceleration - 2 x 30mTop Speed -
2 x 50mTop Speed - 2 x 60mSaturday is the day when we should be
at our freshest. Trying to sprint on separate days (e.g. Both approaches will work. This
should be the time the athlete is setting his best times.SundayRestGoing Past a WeekAt this
point it should be pointed out that the approach given is for a sample training
week in the off-season. Splitting the body into lower/upper will mean legs get trained twice
a week meaning five days are left for rest. Most significantly, this method of training
makes it very difficult to integrate training with the demands of improving other elements vital
to success in football. The sprint distances complement the weights by being of a greater
distance and speed. A 3/1 split of hard training followed by an easier "unloading" week
will help promote continued improvements rather than trying to constantly add weight/sets/sprints to the program
which will only lead to stagnation.At the same time, other exercises and techniques will usually
be incorporated to provide the athlete's body with new challenges but the overall goal should
remain the same which is to increase strength and speed over the long haul. For
example, many bodybuilders will train back, quadriceps, hamstrings on separate days. Depending on the athletes
needs, they could sprint in the AM and do the weights in the evening or
vice versa. Additionally, bodybuilding programs' emphasis on training to failure and exhaustive work on individual
muscle groups will lead to less energy being available for the high intensity, explosive work
which football demands.Split Training vs Whole Body TrainingMost players will often follow a typical bodybuilding
protocol where individual muscle groups are trained once per week with very high volume. American
Football, like many other sports, has a history of coaches with a poor understanding of
the sport's demands inflicting upon players the necessity to run laps of the pitch, and
engage in other forms of training at odds with the sport's unique demands. There is
no weight training prior to training and we are furthest removed from the draining effects
of the heavy weight training conducted on Monday and Tuesday. Although it will be easy
for a beginner to make rapid improvements in both strength and speed following a structure
such as that outlined, at some point it is likely that either the weights or
the speed work will have to be reduced in volume (although not intensity) and maintained
so that the other quality being work can be emphasized.Most 100m sprinters will usually go
from a program where strength increases are emphasized in winter to one where weight training
is restricted to maintenance only so that full attention can be devoted to maximal speed
work during the summer months.Of course, for American Football players, they may have a differing
view on which element needs emphasizing but the fact remains that given that neither strength
or speed improvements in-season are realistic, the player should look at his off-season training program
and consider which variable he needs to work on the most. Even then, many of
the elements would remain broadly similar for these positions.Strength TrainingMost American Football players today will
already place a large emphasis on strength training as this has been emphasized for a
comparatively longer time in the sport due to the ever increasing demand for larger and
stronger athletes. Please check the other articles at this site for further reading.[i] The Charlie
Francis Training System (1992)Reggie Johal - http://www.Predatornutrition.com and Driven Sports.
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