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Our feelings provide valuable gut-level feedback and should act as a barometer for our own health
and the health of our goals and action path.In summary, I was encouraged and want
to encourage you to make sure that you are taking the time to look up
from your busy life; to take a breath and evaluate your path whenever possible. It
was the closest finish in the history of the marathon, with the winner finishing only
1.5 seconds ahead of the second place finisher.When I read about this story, it really
resonated with me. The effort and pressure that we put on ourselves can certainly be
a wonderful driving force for positive change, but should be tempered with wisdom with regard
to our daily targets. A burst of anxiety was quelled by the realization that as
long as he kept following the lead of the small hatchback in front of him
(carrying a television camera crew) he would be okay. Around mile 23, he found himself
struck with a feeling of disorientation, his head swimming suddenly with the noise of the
crowd and his own heartbeat. Onward he ran, with victory seemingly in sight.The change was
almost imperceptible at first. By doing that I am able to review with great clarity
exactly how I can take action toward my goals (both large and small) as well
as encourage myself to track progress with actions that I am already taking on a
regular basis.Another tool that can provide valuable feedback is to listen to our emotions. Yet,
all this was almost derailed in what would have been a spectacular disappointment, simply because
he did not recognize when the direction he was heading had requin tn turned into the wrong
one.How many times do we do something similar in our lives? If something is working,
we keep on doing it. He had kept running and thought now that it might
have made more sense to take the time off.No matter. As a boy training in
rural Mexico, he had never imagined that he would be able to one day actually
see the fulfillment of so many dreams. He did not have to notice the words
the crowd used to cheer him on, nor would he have understood if he had
heard. Something had changed, and not for the better. It was mile 25 of the
New York Marathon and the lead runner was handily ahead. He had run the race
exactly as he had planned, pulling ahead at mile 16 and never looking back. If
we are constantly on edge, anxious, or depressed, there are absolutely things in our lives
that are probably contributing to that! Using tools like exercise, journaling, therapy, diet manipulation (to
help regulate mood swings and blood sugar) prayer, and setting and tracking progress to meaningful
goals will ALL provide empowerment, ease internal and external tension, and help build joy, passion,
and a peaceful nature. Along with his training partner (who was trailing him in the
race now) he had come to this foreign land, put their life's work to the
test. They were still yelling but there was a different urgency in their voices. He
settled back into a focused but vigilant run for the last few miles.Now he was
on the home stretch. He had run through severe cramping in his right thigh, and
his foot felt like it was on nike tn fire; possibly due to a nagging stress fracture
he had sustained 6 months ago. Unfortunately, the car had turned off of the race
course prior to the finish line! By the time this was understood and the runner
turned around, the rest of the field had closed the distance! With less than half
a mile to go, the runner found himself trailing with victory slipping from his grasp!It
was only with an incredible effort and a sprint to the finish line that the
runner was barely able to beat his partner to win the race. While exhausted, he
knew that the long months of training, dedication and effort would all be worth it
when he crossed the finish line in first place. Time and effort pass and are
expended with a singular focus, yet many times there isn't a time set aside to
assess and adjust as necessary.What should we look for when assessing our actions and goals?
Some examples that have been helpful for me include asking myself:oWhat is my current situation?oHow
did I contribute to this situation?oWhat are the goals to which I am tracking?oAre those
goals still congruent with who I am and what I want for myself and my
loved ones?One tool I have used in the past with great success is to write
out both what I did well that day (or week, or month, as necessary) and
where there was opportunity for improvement in that same time period. If it's not working,
we often keep doing it (and rightfully so). His eyes barely left the tops of
his shoes as the miles passed and his lead widened. He had withstood the rest
of the field from mile 16 on, gritting his teeth with determination, putting his head
down and just running. He only had a junior high education, but he had drive
and he was accomplishing his goal. When times were tough, he continued to plod ahead,
doing whatever it took to achieve his goal. Here was an athlete who was naturally
gifted, had utilized all the gifts he'd been given, had been dedicated to success, and
who had persevered with dogged determination. The runner continued on behind the car correctly, following
faithfully in the way that had brought him success over the previous miles. A native
Spanish speaker, this was only his 3rd time in the US and he had never
learned English growing up in a rural area. With less than a mile to go,
it seemed that the crowd began to cheer in a different way. Make sure you
are efficiently pushing toward the right targets for you today by asking yourself the right
questions, recognizing and deciphering your feelings, and confirming and re-setting your life goals often and
with enthusiastic discipline!GPS-Fitness.com (home of your personalized Guide to Physical and Spiritual Fitness) was founded
in 2007 to teach and encourage people from all walks of life and all experience
levels to live the life of joy, energy, and physical vitality that they deserve! By
providing a completely personalized diet, workout, and spiritual fitness plan for each user for just
a fraction of the cost of a personal trainer or dietitian, the GPS Fitness program
is GUARANTEED to help you craft a better life or your money back! Order your
own personalized Guide to Physical and Spiritual Fitness today at http://www.gps-fitness.com Results are guaranteed!.
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